Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Facebook Relations Problems Regarding Leaders


Mitchell Mui

               A leader in Germany was found guilty of incitement after assaulting refugees on a Facebook post two years ago.  Mr. Lutz Bachmann was a founder of the Pegida when he  was forced to pay 9,600 euros in other words 11,000 dollars equivalent US dollars for his remarks.
               The refugees who received this news were outraged and want him sentenced to up to minimum of seven months in prison. They claim that Bachmann called the immigrants "cattle, brutes, and trash," that he deserved worse.
               The leader was forced last year to step down as leader of the Pegida due to his attire that match that of Adolf Hitler. Although he is hated by the immigrants, Bachmann's supporters continue to throw racial slurs and sometimes violent protests,

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1 comment:

  1. I thought this was interesting because I didn't think people were so careless with their Facebook account.
